monitoring radioactivity around nuclear facilities Doel, Tihange, Chooz, Borssele --

Motivated by the political activities of the Aachen IPPNW group and the AAA a team of engineers and computer professionals was constituted in 2016 to develop, build up, and operate an alternative cross-border monitoring network. The Aachen-based core group is supported by a team of Karel-de-Grote Hogeschool, Campus Hoboken, Antwerpen. Contributions to the software development have been provided by trainees of RWTH Aachen University and students of University College Düsseldorf. AAA liaise locations for the hosting of sensor stations in Belgium and support their installation.

The project is realised by voluntary work alone. Only the purchase of the components for the manufacturing and installation of sensor stations (about 250 € per station) is financed by donations. All donations will exclusively and in full extent benefit the project. Donations are eligible for tax relief. They are transacted by way of the donations account of our parent non-profit organization FIfF.

TDRM—under the patronage of FIfF

The NGO Forum of Computer Scientists for Peace and Social Responsibility (Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung, FIfF) is patrons of the TDRM project. FIfF is an collaboration of individuals who critically address the impact of computer science and information technology on society. They operate in various technical and non-technical sectors, raise the public awareness of risks and stand up for digital rights.

FIfF provides the hosting of the TDRM database and website on their servers. Their office administers the project finances.

Call for participation

We are open for support of any kind – development, assembling, and trouble shooting of sensor stations, maintenance of website contents, public relations activities ...

We are also searching citizens particularly living in the precincts of the nuclear power plants to host a sensor station.

If you are interested please write to public(at)